Friday, November 6, 2009

Austin -- salt lake senior photographer

When my aunt asked me to take senior pictures of my cousin, I never expected the session to be such an adventure for me. For a hilarious look at this session from aunt's point of view, you can look at her blog post. Getting surrounded by horses and even nibbled a little isn't exactly one of my favorite things to do. On the other hand, taking pictures is definitely one of them so I guess I will put up with a lot for the opportunity to do that. And if I get to take shots of such agood-looking model, all the better for me!

the S family -- ft. collins family photographer

This bunch of fine looking boys belong to my brother and his wife. In addition to a few rousing games of football and soccer, I was lucky enough to take their pictures while visiting Colorado.

Love you guys!

the H Family -- utah county family photographer

This is my sister-in-law's family. Apparently, they find me hilarious....

Youngest to oldest:

Sometimes little brothers can be such a pain! :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

the P Family -- utah county family photographer

The mom of this family is a past college roommate of mine and all-around extraordinary woman. I was lucky enough to get to spend a whole day with them on their way through town. A great day of reunioning would definitely not be complete without photos!